Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Labor Aspect of Human Trafficking Essay - 1841 Words

Last semester in my Women Public Health class was revelation for me as a woman, learning about the struggles that other women suffer around the world. The one subject that caught my attention was the missing girls in China and India. Millions of fetus or baby girls in these countries go missing yearly by different methods. The subject of the missing girls lead me to human trafficking (sex trafficking) into and within Chinas own boarders, due to the shortage of women. Although there arent any available history journals for human trafficking and the subject of human trafficking interests me. Human trafficking has different components such as force labor, sex trafficking, and child trafficking, I will be looking at the labor history. The†¦show more content†¦The article the Old Labor History and the New: in search of an American working class by David Brody discusses the recent change that the labor history had, which up until recently the study of labor wasnt accepted. Brody points out the influx of people of the working class and immigrants background after the World War II it started to be accepted. He also points out that the old labor was institution and the new labor is looking at the people. During the late 1970s, both the LH and ILWC journals were looking at the past labor history and their current one, for example, German workers of Chicago during 1850-1910, British Syndicalism 1900-1914, and many others. Brody clears why the journals are looking at the past labor from the 19th 18th centuries. Smith points out that more and more people were starting to take interested in labor history and the symposium showed that to their community. Although, during the late 1970s decade there wasnt much talk about human trafficking or even slavery. Slavery or what we call today human trafficking during this period, there wasnt, much discourse about it. Slavery has been present since the beginning of time in our world history, although some parts of it ha snt been silenced, but there may be some other parts that are, but it seem during the 70s there wasnt much attention for it, they focus on class struggle,Show MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking: Searching for a Solution1437 Words   |  6 PagesThailand is very well known for its high proportion of human trafficking. The men and woman are constantly sold for their resources. Labor and prostitution are the most common cases. In Thailand there has been an uprising of human trafficking on the fishing boats or trawlers. On the trawlers many men are forced to work without pay under the impression that they owe money. The men come from neighboring countries of Cambodia and Burma. 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