Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Why abortion should not be legal in the U.S Research Paper - 1

Why abortion should not be legal in the U.S - Research Paper Example Secondly, the basic fundamentals of how the law is interpreted in favor of abortion and how this is incorrect will be briefly discussed. Firstly, one must understand that the process of an abortion is a rather violent act. For purposes of this author’s response, the violence that is associated with this procedure will not focus upon the particular manner in which the embryo is deconstructed and removed; rather, the focus will be upon the long-term effects that such a procedure portends for the mother (Emery 1). Whereas many women have abortions for different reasons, the fact of the matter is that healthcare decisions and procedures are usually implemented only at times in which no other alternative is readily available. As such, risking the current and future fertile health of the mother in such an unnecessary process is both foolish and shortsighted. Due to the fact that alternatives exist, one is left to answer a rhetorical question revolving around why someone would willfully put their body through such a process (Rothsgrove 1). Although many other factors play into the choice of whether or not to receive an abortion, the one that is concentric upon the health, well-being, and future fertility of the mother is of primal importance to this author. Due to the fact that the damages sustained during an abortion are oftentimes non-reversible and life-altering, such a course of action may well need to be outlawed until a method that is not nearly so harmful to a woman’s health is able to be produced. Rothsgrove, Carl. "9 Reasons Why Abortions Should Be Illegal." 9 Reasons Why Abortions Should Be Illegal. N.p., 15 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

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